Privacy Policy

I collect your personal information for invoicing and contact use only. I record information about what you tell me in our sessions. I record only brief notes, and these act as an ‘aide memoire’ so that I can review the course of your journey. I record the number of sessions you have and the payments you make for business purposes. None of these records involve your full name or other details.

Most session notes and data are held electronically on a personal computer and stored locally in a password-protected account. Phone contact details are held on a password-protected phone.

I record appointments on a password-protected online calendar and data about the number of sessions and your payments electronically. Your records are held for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. Clients have the right to be “forgotten”, and within a month of receiving a written request, all their records will be erased.

All client records are confidential. Clients can access their records by making a verbal or written request. This will cost a small fee. If I experience any data breaches, I will inform you as soon as possible.


Confidentiality is an essential part of coaching. It underpins the client’s sense of safety and trust and contributes to making the coaching relationship different from any other.

My coachings hold all records securely and will ensure confidentiality in the treatment of any information held about its clients. All information recorded and held is solely for the purpose of maintaining effective coaching.

The only reasons for breaking confidentiality would be if the coach considered that your life was at risk, if another person’s life was at risk or if the coach was liable to civil or criminal court proceedings if the information was not disclosed. If at all possible, this would be discussed beforehand.

Diversity & Inclusion

My coachings are strongly committed to anti-discrimination. I value difference and diversity and do not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender and gender identity, sexual preference or orientation, marital/partnership status, religion, race, colour, national origin, disability, heritage or political belief.